Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Been sort of taking a break, reading a number of books as a change of pace - just finished the works of Charles Sheffield, now on those of Dick Francis... but in short time the itch will be beyond ignoring and will be on the next rendering, "Looking West", a now 15"x40" panoramic landscape with figure on the right...

Of course, along the way [lately via my walks in the morning], am coming up with new theme/titles to play with [terrible, isn't it, to have ideas pop into my head like plucking apples from a tree...]...


Michael E. Marotta said...

Dick Francis ... wanna bet you don't read them all... (Best wishes.)

visioneerwindows said...

actually am into the second set of 10 and love them [he wrote over 40 in all], finding the diversity of characters and situations very inventive - but yes, do expect some of the latter ones will be less than the best, even as have read them all one time or another...