Friday, September 01, 2006


"Port" Posted by Picasa This is one of the less serious pieces, tho one in which is celebrated a 'joy de vie', and a chance to do several metaphorics on the word 'port'.... there is, for example, the obvious - port means left in nauticaleze - so, the view is from the port side, the turning is to the port direction, and the leaning is ported.... 'port' also is the color of wine, a darkish yet full-bodied , a mixture of purple and blue - of which there is plenty seen..... the temprament, too, is full-bodied, and so it shows here in the waves, and the almost nonchalantness of the pilot, an exhuberance to heading home - seen off in the distance - again, on the port side..... there are more there, but these suffice to get the idea across..... note, too, that the sky, which could have been rendered as dark and forboding, is instead bright and enlightening - yet another which could be considered a 'porting' idea..

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