Sunday, May 07, 2006

"Afterthought", the original Posted by Picasa

"Afterthought" Posted by Picasa The original was lost is why this pen/ink rendering was done... none the less, there were other refinements - emphasises which were done with the pen/ink version which gives the theme/titling better coherance.... this is, of course, the classic - locking the gate after the horses are out... but there is also the bit that a horseshoe in this position is considered, for the superstitious, to be unlucky - another 'afterthought' as it were...... there are, too, a number of metaphoric implications to the 'bolting the barn' which apply to life in general - thus this is, in actuality, a more serious than first seemed piece, even as this whole rendering is done as if itself an afterthought...

"Setting the Stage" Posted by Picasa This was to be, and may still become, part of a series using the "theater of life" as the take-off point.... after some thought, think will revise this and add a bluebird on the handle, giving it a point of color to otherwise starkness... there is to be another work, of a well, theme/titled "Backdrop", as well as one with several chicks coming around from behind a rock, theme/titled "Entrancing"..... and a final one with a cat slipping into the birdbath, whth the birds flying off into the sky, theme/titled "Exiting"..... lighthearted, whimsical even, these would nonetheless display a joy of life and the positive, even if in minutae....